March 17, 2010

The Stylish Medic Alert Bracelet FOUND!

I know what your thinking: "Tara, 'STYLISH' and 'Medic Alert' don't even belong in the same sentence. At least, that is what I've thought for nearly twenty years now. Parents, family, friends, and loved ones...I guess of course, good doctors as well, have all tried to convince me that for my own good, I really ought to just get one.

Like this:

Oh sure, it's for my own good...but since when has fashion been for my own good? I went through the whole high heel phase (thankfully, I came to my senses!). And I just couldn't imagine wearing such a sterile, sickly-looking, chain-gang contraption around my wrist 'in the event of an emergency'. Call me capricious, vain, or whatever other adjective comes to mind. For nearly twenty years, it wasn't happening.

But now I have a daughter - and I figure it's time to get over myself. There is far more at stake than my fashion sensibilities. So I scoured the internet far and wide and still, nada. Sure, the designs have gotten a bit better than the ubiquitous chain with dog-tag above; but nevertheless looked cheap and ugly. Like a light-bulb going off above my head, it occurred to me to search the Handmade realm of Etsy.

This is how I found Michelle Verbeeck, maker of custom leather jewelry - including seriously hip leather medic alert cuffs. This is the one I settled on, almost instantly:

I feel super-cool wearing it, and safe and sound now too!

If you have a loved one, or you yourself have a condition, and are in need of something more suitable for your everyday wear to protect yourself 'in the event of an emergency' I highly recommend Michelle's Etsy shop. Or, if you just want some unique leather jewelry, that too can be found with Michelle:


Mandy Deitering said...

SOOO cute! wow - I love it!

jenjems said...

So glad you found one you like!

Anonymous said...

Its so good you decided to wear one of these! I have one too, not as stylish, but very useful!

cabin + cub said...

oh that is such a good idea! i like the cuff... very fashionable and cool indeed!