December 3, 2009

Vintage I'm Already Nostalgic For...

I absolutely love love love thrift shops, salvage yards, and of course - antique stores. It delights
me that part of my "job" includes being able to go to said places and justify my shopping habit simply by selling on Etsy. However, there's always a small moment of...dare I say it, reluctance - that occurs when I have to part with one of these treasures. This morning I woke to see another goodie sold, and while I'm of course happy that someone will truly enjoy this small wonder, the reluctance to part with her has crept in again. I'm reminded of being a young child, shopping for birthday party gifts for friends...and not wanting to wrap them.

So I have, over time, tried to make a celebratory process of packaging. If it's a figurine you're getting, you receive a teensy thank you note for bringing it home (from the figurine, of course). Accessories, home decor, etcetera are also treated with an air of honor, sans note. This helps me resolve the "reluctance" and create real joy, imagining the buyer opening the package with delight - dancing around the house, clutching their glass bowl, figurine, or pillow close to their heart.

Today, after parting with the Glass Songbird, I decided to pay a little homage to a few of my favorite vintage sales:

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