December 6, 2009

Get to Work was the first day back in my make-shift studio since...I can't remember. That's how long. Likely two weeks - clearly two weeks too long. It was such a great feeling to be at the machine again, arranging the applique, pouring the herbs. Since being featured in TrueNorthParenting Magazine, I've been averaging a couple sales a day! This is clearly the way to go. Not to mention the Storque article I was 'related' to. Always seemed that being featured on the front page was the best - NOT SO. With a Storque feature, it's permanent and archived. Yippee!

It couldn't have been a better day to stay inside - it's been snowing all day. That's right, I'm living in a Winter Wonderland. I'd show you pictures, but honestly - falling snow must be experienced - it translates poorly in photos. So, I thought instead, I'd show you photos of me in my transitory winter studio - aka the dining room:

The studio needs a LOT of work - so no actual "space" photos here, just faces to the names today.

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